Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Square Migration? Square Migration is a company that specializes in re-platforming websites to the Squarespace platform. We help businesses upgrade their website to a modern, sleek, and easy-to-manage platform that truly represents their brand.

  • Why should I choose Squarespace over other website platforms? Squarespace is a user-friendly platform that offers a wide range of features, including website building, hosting, e-commerce, and email marketing. It also has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for users to create and manage their website without any coding knowledge. Additionally, Squarespace has beautiful templates and designs that you can customize to create a unique and visually appealing website.

  • How does the re-platforming process work? The re-platforming process typically starts with a consultation with our team to understand your needs and goals for your website. We then migrate your exsisting website to Squarespace while updating the design. Finally, we provide training on how to use Squarespace's platform.

  • What happens to my existing website during the re-platforming process? Your existing website will remain active during the re-platforming process. We will work with you to ensure a smooth and seamless transition to Squarespace, minimizing any downtime for your website.

  • How long does the re-platforming process take? We pride oursleves on speed, so we try to over-deliver but the length of the re-platforming process depends on the size and complexity of your website. Our team will provide you with a timeline for the process during the consultation.

  • What happens after the re-platforming process is complete? After the re-platforming process is complete, you will have a beautiful and functional Squarespace website that is easy to manage.